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Sadly, I've been informed that this was an April Fool's Day prank. Conclusion: this post will not be written. ...Hmm... What to do for a post now...? Lemme see, how about... uh... I don't know. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ *sigh* Maybe if I think harder on it.. ?.............. ...............................I'll be right back! ..................... ................................................. where did my pen go? .....I'm not sure what you're looking for - but there is something kind of deep to say about the very act of writing (just take a moment and try). It requires a certain amount of concentration in order to properly write, and to do so one must pay attention (which is how it can be characterized as "deep"). As you go about your day, the only way to get anything done is to continuously stay focused on what you're doing. Meditation strives towards this essence; staying present without getting too caught up in the minutia, always keeping one's mind fully engaged (so that it propels itself forward) - like a ball bearing rolling down a track. If there's one lesson I've learned through my meditation practice, it can be summed up by this quote: "To write is simply to learn the language of your thoughts". Over time, it becomes easier to connect with your self by comprehending the ways of your mind. With every moment spent writing, the language of thoughts becomes more clear. Though there are countless ways to get this done, I can only recommend one way be used - Continue reading on... ........................ ..................... .............................. .....don't stop! ......................... ......................................................... ............... wait what's that? You want more? .......okay then*smiles* ......... ............ ...... *pops about* ............ ...~~~~~~~~~............ ... ~.............. ........ ._________. .______.. .._______.(§)___________..______(¶)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`·. .·´ ....................... .(§)_______.... ..(¶).................... .._(´_` ). ............. ................ ............ .............................................. .................................................. . .................................................................. .........*sigh* .......I'm terrible at this. Maybe I'll go to that forest in Washington state where George Washington chopped down a tree (which he later called "my greatest mistake"). Him and his fellow soldiers were on "smooth wood" when they got bored and decided to chop it down. They had fun, but they forgot to pick up the bark in the process (*cough cough*). The story goes that when they finally realized what they had done, they were afraid to tell anybody. It wasn't until a full seven years later before anybody found out. Then they all got fired from being in the army. And the rest is history... Well, not really, but I'm sure you get my point! Conclusion: this post will not be written either. ...Maybe I should just give up on blogging. But before I do, can i at least finish my novel? That's a big "no", actually. :P Citations: https://www. 81eaaddfaf 26

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